PREDATOR: REQUIEM begins where the previous film ended, as the Predators' ship heads home with Alien lab samples. This same bully, in a later scene, while talking about his ex-girlfriend, says that he "taught the slut everything she knows." Lead character makes a homophobic joke concerning a "sausage lovers pizza." Some drinking.ĪLIENS VS. Female teen character starts to remove her clothes in front of a teen boy, reveals bra and panties they start to make out but stop when the bullies, and, later, aliens attack. A bully jock-type beats up one of the lead characters, then takes his truck keys and throws them into the sewer grate. Profanity regularly used, including "motherf-ker" twice and "f-k" used several times. Extended battles between humans and the invaders, with guns, machine guns, and lasers. A police officer is found dead in the woods, hanging upside down and skinned.

In a hospital, an alien enters a pregnancy ward, sucks the babies out of the mothers, then implants their own babies inside their wombs. Young children watch their parents get killed by the aliens and the predator parents are torn up, lose limbs, scream in agony as they suffer horrible deaths. While there are the expected scenes of the aliens and predator boring through chests, attacking faces, and impaling any and all victims (with plenty of blood and gore in each attack), that's only the beginning. The violence is constant and unrelenting. Predator: Requiem is the 2007 sequel of the franchise. A bully beats up one of the lead characters and throws his truck keys into the sewer grate. Nuclear explosion kills some protagonists. Alien-Predator fights feature punching, kicking, biting, shooting, throwing bodies against/through walls. Police officer is found dead, hanging upside down from a tree and skinned. Other images include a space ship crashing, heads blown off or shot through with Alien's penetrating jaw, a girl pinned to a wall by Predator's throwing star, bullies hitting and kicking Ricky, shooting at the aliens that produces blood and burning flesh, and blood all over. An alien enters the pregnancy ward, sucks babies out of women, and implants its own babies inside a later scene shows their bellies bursting open bloodily to reveal little aliens. A small girl sees her father assaulted by an alien who crashes through her bedroom window and rips him up. A small boy watches his father get attacked by an alien and cries in terror the father's arm falls off, and after the boy is also attacked, both of their chests explode to "birth" toothy, hissy little aliens. Standard Predator business includes hunting prey, shooting with lasers.

Typical Aliens-style violence includes chests exploding, teeth ripping flesh, acidic blood burning human faces. Which Side of History? How Technology Is Reshaping Democracy and Our Lives.Reflexionando sobre la historia afroamericana en familia.Teachers: Find the best edtech tools for your classroom with in-depth expert reviews.Check out new Common Sense Selections for games.10 tips for getting kids hooked on books.Family entertainment that celebrates and honors Black voices.Common Sense Selections for family entertainment.